Friday, 05 July 2024
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This is how you dress for Comic-Con

Added: 01.07.2015 23:58 | 32 views | 0 comments

The Comic-Con dress code

The world's most famous pop culture fan convention descends upon San Diego July 8. Hall H will be mobbed. The sun will beat down upon the nerd hordes without pity. But there's one part of Comic-Con that never gets old: The fan costumes. Here's someone dressed as an anthroporphized Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. (Photo by: Corbis)

Surely you Jecht

Minor factors such as gender do not stop hardcore fans from paying tribute to their favorite games. This Final Fantasy 10 fan showed up at last year's con dressed as male NPC Jecht. (Photo by: Corbis)

Twi, twi again

Every Star Wars fan knows that Twi'leks are underrated in the galaxies far, far away. This con attendee told a photographer that she was dressed as a Twi'lek named Kri'nahi. (Photo by: Corbis)

Living art

This Sacrament-based con attendee got literal with her love for comic books. (Photo by: Corbis)

Fans attack!

A fan dressed as the Martian Girl from the movie Mars Attacks strutted down the street during the 2014 con. (Photo by: Corbis)

Watch your head

A Transformers fan mounted a pair of stilts to complete his homage to Optimus Prime. (Photo by: Corbis)

Everything but the horses

A California-based couple dressed as Game of Thrones characters Daenerys Targaryen and doomed Dothraki husband Khal Drogo during last year's convention. (Photo by: Corbis)

Prowling around

Plenty of Catwomen are seen padding along the streets outside of the convention every year. (Photo by: Corbis)

It's only logical

Star Trek is a huge franchise at every Comic-Con, regardless of whether there's any Trekkie fare in theaters that year. Bonus: Federation uniforms are a lot easier to find and wear compared with, say, any other franchise. (Photo by: Corbis)

Layers of fandom

Why wear one costume when you can honor two favorite franchises at once? (Photo by: Corbis)

No velvet ropes on Asgard

The great thing about Comic-Con: No barriers between fans. A denizen of Asgard can rub shoulders with a ... whatever she is. (Photo by: Corbis)

No joke

Here's a fan dressed as Harley Quinn, a relatively late addition to the DC universe. (Photo by: Corbis)

Blue in the face

Ever heard of Andorians? If you're a true fan–the only kind at Comic-Con, of course–you sure do. For the uninitiated, Andorians are a race in the Star Trek universe. (Photo by: Corbis)

But can you run in that?

Not every Comic-Con attendee worships the mega-franchises. Take this woman, whose costume honors the 1976 sci-fi classic Logan's Run. (Photo by: Corbis)


Traditionally, the comic book superhero Hellboy is just that: A boy. But at Comic-Con, imagination trumps all the rules. (Photo by: Corbis)


Sci-Fi Sim Tiny Trek Gets Name Change at Request of CBS

Added: 17.06.2015 19:16 | 19 views | 0 comments

Serena Nelson writes: "For those who have been following the development of the space exploration sim Tiny Trek this shouldn't come as a surprise as last week developer Chris Carson announced that the name has now been changed. At the request of CBS, the holder of the Star Trek rights, the new name is now Bit Odyssey to differentiate it from the popular sci-fi franchise."


The Year that Arcades Took Over

Added: 10.06.2015 18:21 | 23 views | 0 comments

We look back on 1982, the year of one of the best Star Trek movies and the birth of LucasArts.


Will Virtual Reality Become a Staple of MMOs?

Added: 16.05.2015 12:16 | 27 views | 0 comments

The technology that powers the forays of mmo gamers into their favorite virtual worlds becomes more powerful with each passing year. Online gaming may still follow a lot of the standard formulas of older games, but how players interact with mmos is becoming far more nuanced and intricate. In ye olden days of gaming, there was just the standard mouse and keyboard, and that was all that was needed to offer a doorway to online adventure. Now there are special keyboards created just for gaming, and the same is true for the once humble mouse. You're a total noob if your gaming paraphernalia doesn't sport more buttons and functions than a computer bank from the original Star Trek series. Gamers can now talk to one another as they game, either to hash out strategy or to taunt one another. Now the presence of virtual reality is surging into a number of online games. How prevalent will this new technology become? Will virtual reality become a staple of mmos?


Classic Star Trek Games Hit Steam,

Added: 10.05.2015 17:41 | 21 views | 0 comments

It's been a good time to be a Star Wars fan recently. There are new movies on the way, and a bunch of old games based on the universe have been

The three games are:

Star Trek: 25th Anniversary - $6

The classic point-and-click adventure complete with voice acting, sound effects, and music from the classic TV show.

Star Trek: Judgment Rites - $6

A point-and-click sequel to the 25th Anniversary.

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - $6

Learn the basics of piloting a starship to become a captain of your very own vessel. and Interplay said they plan to unveil additional Star Trek classics in the near future, including more games that have never been digitally released before.

What is your favorite Star Trek game? Let us know in the comment below.


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